Asset Management One


Recent Awards


Morningstar Award“Fund of the Year 2024”Morningstar Award“Fund of the Year 2024”

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Japan Equity Fund of the Year DIAM Japan Value Equity Fund


R&I Fund Award 2024R&I Fund Award 2024

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Best Fund One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Fund Hybrid Selection
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Mid Small Cap Fund MHAM Emerging Growth Stock Open
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Bond Best Fund DLIBJ Bond Open (Middle)
Investment Trusts 10-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Best Fund One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Investment Trusts 10-year Category / North American Equity Dividend Fund MHAM US High Yield Equity Fund(Annual Distribution/Currency Non-hedged)
Investment Trusts / Japanese Equity Value Best Fund DIAM Japan Value Equity Fund (Annual Distribution)
DIAM Japan Value Equity Fund
Investment Trusts / Global Equity Mid Small Cap Best Fund World Low Volatility Small-Mid Cap Equity Fund
Investment Trusts / Global Equity Mid Small Cap Fund Fisher Global Small Cap Equity Fund
Investment Trusts / North American Equity Mid Small Cap Best Fund US Small Cap Value Equity Fund Course B (Currency Non-hedged)
Investment Trusts / Asia Equity Multi-Country Fund DIAM VIP Focus Fund
Investment Trusts / Global Equity Healthcare & Biotech-related Fund Medical Science Fund
Investment Trusts / Flexible Allocation (Bond-Focused) Best Fund Income Builder (Annual Distribution) Currency Non-Hedged Income Builder (Monthly Distribution) Currency Non-Hedged
Investment Trusts / Flexible Allocation (Equity & REIT Focused) Best Fund Global Drive (Annual Distribution / Unhedged)
Global Drive (Quarterly Distribution / Unhedged)
Global Allocation Open (A course)
Global Allocation Open (B course)
Global Allocation Fund Monthly Distribution/Unhedged Course(Target Pay-outType)

LSEG Lipper Fund Awards 2024LSEG Lipper Fund Awards 2024

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Best Fund over 10 Years Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Best Fund over 10 Years Bond Emerging Markets Global LC Frontier World Income Fund
Best Fund over 3 Years Bond Emerging Markets Global LC DIAM Lucky Clover
Best Fund over 5 Years, 10 Years Bond USD MHAM US Income Open Monthly Settlement Course (Currency Non-Hedged)
Best Fund over 10 Years Loan Participation Bank Loan Fund (FX Unhedged / Annual Distribution)
Best Fund over 3 Years Equity US Sm&Mid Cap US Small Cap Value Equity Fund Course B (Currency Non-hedged)

Morningstar Award“Fund of the Year 2023”Morningstar Award“Fund of the Year 2023”

Division - Award titleFund / Company
World Equity Best Fund of the Year TAWARA No-load Developed Country Equity


R&I Fund Award 2023R&I Fund Award 2023

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Best Fund One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Fund Hybrid Selection
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Mid Small Cap Best Fund MHAM Emerging Growth Stock Open
Investment Trusts 10-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Best Fund One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Investment Trusts 10-year Category / Japanese Equity Growth Best Fund Monex Nihon Growth Stock Fund
Investment Trusts / Japanese Equity Core Fund One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Investment Trusts / Japanese Equity Value Best Fund DIAM Japan Value Equity Fund
Investment Trusts / Global Equity Mid Small Cap Best Fund World Low Volatility Small-Mid Cap Equity Fund
Investment Trusts / North American Equity Core Best Fund US Infrastructure Equity Fund (Currency Unhedged)
Investment Trusts / North American Equity Mid Small Cap Fund US Small Cap Value Equity Fund Course B (Currency Non-hedged)
Investment Trusts / Asia Equity Multi-Country Best Fund DIAM VIP Focus Fund
Investment Trusts / Global Equity Infrastructure-related Fund World Infrastructure High Yielding Equity Fund -Monthly Accounting Type
Investment Trusts / Global Equity Healthcare & Biotech-related Best Fund Medical Science Fund
Investment Trusts / Global Bond JPY-Hedged Best Fund DIAM Nippon Saiken Fund
Investment Trusts / Global Unconstrained Bond Fund JPY -Hedged Best Fund Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund January
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund February
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund March
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund August
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund September
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund October
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund November
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund December
Investment Trusts / Flexible Allocation (Bond-Focused) Best Fund Income Builder (Annual Distribution) Currency Non-Hedged
Income Builder (Monthly Distribution) Currency Non-Hedged
Investment Trusts / Flexible Allocation (Equity & REIT Focused) Best Fund Global Allocation Open (A course)
Global Allocation Open (B course)
Global Drive (Quarterly Distribution / Unhedged)
Global Allocation Fund Monthly Distribution/Unhedged Course(Target Pay-out Type)

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2023 JapanRefinitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2023 Japan

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Best Fund over 10 Years Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap DIAM small cap fund
Best Fund over 10 Years Equity Japan One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Best Fund over 5 Years Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap Enterprise Value Growth Small Cap Stock Fund (Ganriki)
Best Fund over 3 Years, 5 Years Equity Theme - Infrastructure US Infrastructure Equity Fund (Currency Unhedged)
Best Fund over 10 Years Bond Emerging Markets Global LC Frontier World Income Fund
Best Fund over 3 Years, 5 Years Bond JPY DLIBJ Bond Open (Short)
Best Fund over 3 Years, 5 Years Bond USD MHAM US Income Open Monthly Settlement Course (Currency Non-Hedged)
Best Fund over 5 Years Bond BRL Shinko Brazil Bond Fund
Best Fund over 3 Years Bond Global JPY DIAM-Janus Global Core Plus Bond Fund (For Defined Contribution Plan)
Best Fund over 10 Years (DC) Mixed Asset JPY Balanced DIAM Balanced Fund<DC>3
Best Fund over 3 Years (DC) Mixed Asset JPY Balanced 4 Assets Diversified investment fund high-class for Defined Contribution Plan


R&I Fund Award 2022R&I Fund Award 2022

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Best Fund One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Fund Hybrid Selection
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Mid Small Cap Best Fund MHAM Emerging Growth Stock Open
Investment Trusts 10-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Fund One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Investment Trusts 10-year Category / Japanese Equity Growth Fund Monex Nihon Growth Stock Fund
Investment Trusts 10-year Category / Japanese Equity Mid Small Cap Fund DIAM small cap fund
Investment Trusts / Japanese Equity Core Fund Japan New Age Open
Investment Trusts / Japanese Equity Mid Small Cap Fund Enterprise Value Growth Small Cap Stock Fund (Ganriki)
Investment Trusts / Global Equity Growth Fund Established Countries High-Quality Growth Equity Fund(Currency Unhedged)
Investment Trusts / North American Equity Core Best Fund US Infrastructure Equity Fund (Currency Unhedged)
Investment Trusts / Emerging Markets Equity Multi-Regional Fund Developing Countries High-Quality Growth Equity Fund
Investment Trusts / Global Bond JPY-Hedged Best Fund DIAM Nippon Saiken Fund
Investment Trusts / Global Unconstrained Bond Fund JPY-Hedged Best Fund Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund January
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund February
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund March
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund August
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund September
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund October
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund November
Shinko-PIMCO Strategic Income Fund December
Investment Trusts / North American Bond Best Fund US Strategic Income Fund B Course JPY Unhedged
Investment Trusts / Flexible Allocation (Equity & REIT Focused) Best Fund Global Allocation Open (A course)
Global Allocation Open (B course)
Global Drive (Quarterly Distribution / Unhedged)

Morningstar Award“Fund of the Year 2021”Morningstar Award“Fund of the Year 2021”

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Global-Stock (Global ex Japan) Fund Division of the Year World Equity Fund with Artificial Intelligence
Japan-Stock Fund Division of the Year One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Japan-Stock Fund Division of the Year Enterprise Value Growth Small Cap Stock Fund (Ganriki)

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2022 JapanRefinitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2022 Japan

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Best Fund over 3 Years Bond BRL Shinko Brazil Bond Fund
Best Fund over 3 Years Bond USD MHAM US Income Open Monthly Settlement Course (Currency Non-Hedged)
Best Fund over 3 Years Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap Enterprise Value Growth Small Cap Stock Fund (Ganriki)
Best Fund over 3 Years Equity Europe Sector-Specific Fund for Real Estate European Real Estate Strategy Fund (Quarterly Distribution)
Best Fund over 3 Years Equity Theme - Infrastructure US Infrastructure Equity Fund (Currency Unhedged)
Best Fund over 5 Years Bond BRL Shinko Brazil Bond Fund
Best Fund over 5 Years Bond USD MHAM US Income Open Monthly Settlement Course (Currency Non-Hedged)
Best Fund over 5 Years Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap Enterprise Value Growth Small Cap Stock Fund (Ganriki)
Best Fund over 5 Years Equity Europe Sector-Specific Fund for Real Estate European Real Estate Strategy Fund (Quarterly Distribution)
Best Fund over 10 Years Bond Emerging Markets Global LC Frontier World Income Fund
Best Fund over 10 Years Bond USD MHAM US Income Open Monthly Settlement Course (Currency Non-Hedged)
Best Fund over 10 Years Bond USD High Yield Mizuho US High Yield Open B Course
Best Fund over 10 Years Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap DIAM small cap fund
Best Fund over 3 Years (DC) Global JPY DIAM-Janus Global Core Plus Bond Fund (For Defined Contribution Plan)
Best Fund over 3 Years (DC) Mixed Asset JPY Balanced Life Cycle Fund 3 For Defined Contribution Plan
Best Fund over 10 Years (DC) Equity MHAM Japan Growth Stock Fund <DC Pension>
Best Fund over 10 Years (DC) Mixed Asset JPY Balanced DIAM Balanced Fund<DC>3


R&I Fund Award 2021R&I Fund Award 2021

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Best Fund Hybrid Selection
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Core Fund One Kokunai-Kabu Open
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Growth Fund Monex Nihon Growth Stock Fund
Investment Trusts 20-year Category / Japanese Equity Mid Small Cap Fund MHAM Emerging Growth Stock Open
Investment Trusts 10-year Category / Japanese Equity Growth Best Fund Monex Nihon Growth Stock Fund
Investment Trusts / Japanese Equity Core Fund Shinko Japan Open II
Investment Trusts / Japanese Equity Growth Best Fund Fund (Mega Tech)
Investment Trusts / Japanese Equity Mid Small Cap Best Fund Enterprise Value Growth Small Cap Stock Fund (Ganriki)
Investment Trusts / Japanese Equity Mid Small Cap Fund Focused Japanese Equity Fund
Investment Trusts / Japanese Equity Mid Small Cap Fund DIAM small cap fund
Investment Trusts / Global Equity Growth Best Fund Global High-Quality Growth Equity Fund (Currency Unhedged)
Investment Trusts / Emerging Markets Equity Multi-Regional Best Fund Developing Countries High-Quality Growth Equity Fund
Investment Trusts / Global Equity Infrastructure-related Best Fund Shinko Pictet Global Income Stock Fund(Monthly)
Investment Trusts / North American Bond Best Fund LOOMIS US Investment Grade Bond Fund [Monthly Distribution]
Investment Trust / Japanese REIT Fund DIAM Strategic J-REIT Fund
Investment Trust / Balanced Type (Standard) Best Fund Tawara No-Load Balanced Fund(general type)
Investment Trust / Balanced Type (Equity & REIT Focused) Fund Tawara No-Load Balanced Fund(Eight Assets Equal Weight)
Investment Trusts / Flexible Allocation (Bond-Focused) Best Fund Investment Sommelier Fund
Investment Trusts / Flexible Allocation (Bond-Focused) Fund World 8 Assets Balanced Fund (Risk Mitigated)
Investment Trusts / Flexible Allocation (Equity & REIT Focused) Best Fund Global Allocation Open (A course)
Global Allocation Open (B course)
NISA / Japanese Equity Growth Fund MHAM Stock Open Fund
NISA / Japanese Equity Mid Small Cap Best Fund Shinko Japan Small Cap Stock Fund (Kaze Monogatari)
NISA / Balanced Type (Standard) Best Fund Tawara No-Load Balanced Fund(general type)

Morningstar Award“Fund of the Year 2020”Morningstar Award“Fund of the Year 2020”

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Stable Asset (Bond & Balanced Stability)Division Best Fund of the Year Investment Sommelier Fund
Stable Asset (Bond & Balanced Stability)Division Fund of the Year World 8 Assets Balanced Fund (Risk Mitigated)
Global-Stock (Global) Fund Division Fund of the Year Global High-Quality Growth Equity Fund (Currency Unhedged)

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award 2021 JapanRefinitiv Lipper Fund Award 2021 Japan

Year Announced 2021, Year Evaluated 2020

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Best Fund over 3 Years
Bond Emerging Markets Global LC
AM-One DIAM Emerging Bond Fund
Best Fund over 3 Years
Bond Global Short Term
AM-One Short Duration High Yield Bond Fund (Hedged)
Best Fund over 3 Years
Bond USD
AM-One MHAM US Income Open A Course Hedged
Best Fund over 3 Years
Bond USD High Yield
AM-One Mizuho US High Yield Open (1yr) Hedged
Best Fund over 3 Years
Equity Global
AM-One Global High-Quality Growth Equity Fund (PH)
Best Fund over 3 Years
Equity Japan
AM-One Focused Japanese Equity Fund
Best Fund over 3 Years
Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap
AM-One Enterprise Value Growth Small Cap Stock Fund
Best Fund over 3 Years
Equity Sector Real Est Europe
AM-One European Real Estate Strategy Fund (Quarterly)
Best Fund over 3 Years
Equity Theme - Infrastructure
AM-One US Infrastructure Equity Fund (Hedged)
Best Fund over 5 Years
Bond Emerging Markets Global LC
AM-One DIAM Emerging Bond Fund
Best Fund over 5 Years
Bond USD
AM-One MHAM US Income Open Monthly Settlement (NH)
Best Fund over 5 Years
Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap
AM-One DIAM Small Cap Fund
Best Fund over 5 Years
Equity Sector Real Est Australia
AM-One DIAM Australia REIT Open
Best Fund over 5 Years
Equity Sector Real Est Europe
AM-One European Real Estate Strategy Fund (Quarterly)
Best Fund over 5 Years
Equity Theme - Infrastructure
AM-One Life Infrastructure Equity Fund
Best Fund over 10 Years
Bond Emerging Markets Global LC
AM-One Frontier World Income Fund
Best Fund over 10 Years
Bond USD High Yield
AM-One Mizuho US High Yield Open B Course
Best Fund over 10 Years
Equity Global Income
AM-One MHAM Overseas High Income Stock Fund
Best Fund over 10 Years
Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap
AM-One DIAM Small Cap Fund
Best Fund over 3 Years (DC)
Mixed Asset JPY Flexible
AM-One Investment Sommelier DC Pension
Best Fund over 10 Years (DC)
Mixed Asset JPY Balanced
AM-One DIAM Balanced Fund 3


Asia Asset Management AwardAsia Asset Management Award
“2020 Best of the Best Awards”

Year Announced: 2020; Year Evaluated: 2019

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Japan Small Cap Equity(3 years) Enterprise Value Growth Small Cap Stock Fund (Ganriki)
Best ESG Engagement Initiative Asset Management One Co., Ltd.
Best Impact Investing Manager(Japan) Asset Management One Co., Ltd.

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award 2020 JapanRefinitiv Lipper Fund Award 2020 Japan

Year Announced 2020, Year Evaluated 2019

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Best Fund over 3 Years
“Bond USD” Category
MHAM US Income Open Monthly Settlement Course (Currency Non-Hedged)
Best Fund over 3 Years
“Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap” Category
Enterprise Value Growth Small Cap Stock Fund (Ganriki)
Best Fund over 3 Years
“Equity Theme - Infrastructure” Category
Global Core Infrastructure Equity Fund
Best Fund over 3 Years
“Mixed Asset JPY Balanced” Category
Asian Three Assets Fund [Distribution Course]
Best Fund over 5 Years
“Bond Emerging Markets Global LC” Category
Frontier World Income Fund (Annual Distribution)
Best Fund over 5 Years
“Bond Global Short Term” Category
High Interest Rate Currency Fund
Best Fund over 5 Years
“Bond USD” Category
MHAM US Income Open A Course (Currency Hedged)
Best Fund over 5 Years
“Equity US Sm&Mid Cap” Category
DIAM Janus US Small-Mid Cap Equity Fund
Best Fund over 10 Years
“Bond Emerging Markets Global LC” Category
Frontier World Income Fund
Best Fund over 10 Years
“Bond USD High Yield” Category
Mizuho US High Yield Open B Course
Best Fund over 10 Years
“Equity Japan Sm&Mid Cap” Category
DIAM small cap fund
Best Fund over 3 Years (DC)
“Equity Japan” Category
MHAM Japan Growth Stock Fund (DC Pension)
Best Fund over 3 Years (DC)
“Equity Sector Real Est Global” Category
World REIT Active Fund For Defined Contribution Plan
Best Fund over 3 Years (DC)
“Mixed Asset JPY Flexible” Category
Investment Sommelier Fund for Defined Contribution Plan
Best Fund over 5 Years (DC)
“Equity Japan” Category
MHAM Japan Growth Stock Fund (DC Pension)
Best Fund over 5 Years (DC)
“Equity Sector Real Est Global” Category
World REIT Active Fund For Defined Contribution Plan
Best Fund over 5 Years (DC)
“Mixed Asset JPY Flexible” Category
Investment Sommelier Fund for Defined Contribution Plan
Best Fund over 10 Years (DC)
“Equity Japan” Category
MHAM Japan Growth Stock Fund (DC Pension)
Best Fund over 10 Years (DC)
“Mixed Asset JPY Balanced” Category
DIAM Balanced Fund 3

Fund of the Year 2019Morningstar Award
“Fund of the Year 2019”

Year Announced 2020, Year Evaluated 2019

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Global-Stock (Specific Region) Fund Division
Best Fund of the Year
Developing Countries High-Quality Growth Equity Fund
Global-Stock (Global) Fund Division
Fund of the Year
Global High-Quality Growth Equity Fund(Currency Unhedged)
Asset Allocation Fund Division
Fund of the Year
Investment Sommelier Fund


Asia Asset Management AwardAsian Investor Award
“Asset Management Awards 2018”

Year Announced: 2018; Year Evaluated: 2017

Division - Award titleFund / Company
Fund House of the Year, Japan Asset Management One Co., Ltd.

Institutional InvestorInstitutional Investor
“2016 Asia Investment Management Award Winners”

Year Announced: 2017; Year Evaluated: 2016

Division - Award titleFund / Company
- Japan Fixed Income (Yen) over Three and Ten Years AM One DLIBJ Bond Open (Mid-Term)



The Lipper Fund Awards are based on the Lipper Leader for Consistent Return rating, which is a risk-adjusted performance measure calculated over 36, 60 and 120 months. The fund with the highest Lipper Leader for Consistent Return (Effective Return) value in each eligible classification wins the Lipper Fund Award. For more information, see Although Lipper makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained herein, the accuracy is not guaranteed by Lipper.


References to any specific securities do not constitute an offer to buy or sell securities. Those awarded funds based upon the past performance cannot guarantee their future performance. Data or statements are obtained from sources Morningstar Japan K.K believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness.
All information is the property of Morningstar Japan K.K. or Morningstar, Inc. and protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. All rights reserved.

Asia Asset Management

1.Asia Asset Management does not accept any liability or loss incurred by the use of or reliance on the awards for any particular investment or investments.
2.Asia Asset Management accepts no responsibility for the complete accuracy of data, products or materials accessed for these awards and therefore makes no representation concerning its completeness, truth, accuracy or its suitability for any particular purpose.

Awards received do not guarantee future results.